As an independent or small business owner, you NEED a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system and I’m going to tell you why – efficiency, quality service, higher productivity, and more money. It’s important to track all customer relationships whether they’re prospective, current, or past. CRM systems organize all of your interactions and don’t need to come at a high cost. Customers are important, but as we’re learning in our modern age, data is more important. How do you know a CRM is
You’ve probably heard that waking up at 4:30 AM is good for your productivity, or maybe you even do it – I bet you’ve noticed a difference, haven’t you? This month, I want to talk about establishing a morning routine, every day – yes, this means the weekends, too! Creating a solid morning routine will increase mood, productivity, and set you up for success in both your personal and professional life. When you wake up early, it allows you ample time