Tech Review Of The Month

August Tech Tip: Why Your Business Needs a CRM System

As an independent or small business owner, you NEED a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system and I’m going to tell you why – efficiency, quality service, higher productivity, and more money. It’s important to track all customer relationships whether they’re prospective, current, or past. CRM systems organize all of your interactions and don’t need to come at a high cost.      Customers are important, but as we’re learning in our modern age, data is more important.    How do you know a CRM is

Why I Chose ClickUp for Project Management Over Asana and Trello

If you don’t know this already, project management software is your BEST FRIEND if you own manage, or even work at a business. There are so many tools out there, but I’m here to help you weed through and find the best tools at the best prices… or better yet, FREE. ClickUp is one of those tools.  I was previously a dedicated user of Asana, but my recent discovery of ClickUp has changed that!  If you’re not familiar with project management software,

CamCard – Tech Review

^ Have you ever been this person? ^^^ What is CamCard? CamCard is a contact management app, with logic to scan specific data from business cards by simply taking a photo of the card. It can also create a personal QR code with your information to be scanned by others when meeting at outings or networking events. It’s a life-saver when it comes to saving time collecting, organizing and re-distributing business cards collected over the years. Why Should You Use It? CamCard was designed