I’m guilty… of multi-tasking. You’re probably guilty too! Multi-tasking is a growing common business task, but that needs to STOP. Time management is something I harp on a lot with my clients and multi-tasking ISN’T helping you – I promise. This month’s efficiency tip of the month is STOP multi-tasking.
First-off, the term multi-tasking shouldn’t even be used. It’s just not a possible action and there’s research to prove it. Time is our most precious asset, but by multi-tasking we’re not doing ourselves a service, but a disservice that results in poor quality work.
I agree that it’s a hard habit to break, but we have to do this for the sake of ourselves and our businesses. I thought it would be helpful to provide tips on how to be more efficient, so here goes:
- Make a clear plan – planning ahead is a huge help when it comes to spending your time effectively. Whether it’s a post-it, notebook, day-planner or project management software, make a plan. Setting aside specific time to certain tasks is a recipe for success.
- Set realistic expectations – to the contraire, you don’t have to DO IT ALL. Delegating is the skill of a true leader, but if you cannot delegate for whatever reason, take on what you can get done within a reasonable amount of time. Get the rest done another day.
- Organize your work environment – I know, I know, it can be hard to keep your office clean or feel like you can focus if you work from home, but you’ve got to do it. Organizing your workplace and keeping things tidy will help you focus. Having stuff distracts us and that’s a fact. Giving your “stuff” assigned places can help with this. If you don’t need it – donate, recycle, throw it away!
- Talk a walk – it’s true a walk will help you focus and keep you working at your best capacity. You deserve those few extra minutes to yourself.
- Turn on the tunes – if you like, using music to help you “get in the groove” can help productivity and drive focus (especially in co-working spaces or a home office). Even if you don’t have anything playing, people around you will respect that you’re getting stuff done and most likely leave you alone.
Do you have a favorite “focus playlist” or another helpful tip that will help business owners like us? I’d love to hear from you! Send me a message and maybe I’ll feature it in my next blog or newsletter. Stay focused and healthy, my friends.
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