I’m guilty… of multi-tasking. You’re probably guilty too! Multi-tasking is a growing common business task, but that needs to STOP. Time management is something I harp on a lot with my clients and multi-tasking ISN’T helping you – I promise. This month’s efficiency tip of the month is STOP multi-tasking. First-off, the term multi-tasking shouldn’t even be used. It’s just not a possible action and there’s research to prove it. Time is our most precious asset, but by multi-tasking we’re not
If you don’t know this already, project management software is your BEST FRIEND if you own manage, or even work at a business. There are so many tools out there, but I’m here to help you weed through and find the best tools at the best prices… or better yet, FREE. ClickUp is one of those tools. I was previously a dedicated user of Asana, but my recent discovery of ClickUp has changed that! If you’re not familiar with project management software,